Flash Fiction

[flash fik-shuhn n. Fiction of extreme brevity. There is no widely accepted definition of the length of the category. Some self-described markets for flash fiction impose caps as low as 300, while others consider stories as long as 1000 words to be flash fiction. The term "flash fiction" may have originated from a 1992 anthology of the same name. As the editors said in their introduction, their definition of a "flash fiction" was a story that would fit on two facing pages of a typical digest-sized literary magazine, or about 750 words.

The form has roots going back to "Aesop's Fables," and practitioners have included Bolesław Prus, Anton Chekhov, O. Henry, Franz Kafka, H.P.Lovecraft, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Fredric Brown and Lydia Davis. 

Earth Angel

Hippy Chicks

I Taught Her Well

Pick Me Up On Your Way Down

The Longest Walk Of The Day

Cleaning Up The Game

The Lady In Waiting

Drama's Wet Dream: A Modern Pulp

Little Demon Girl


The Vanishing Clown


Thirteen Men

Decisions, Decisons

The Calm Before The Storm

The Bigger Your Buckle The Better

Ice Cream On Hot Summer Nights

The Ballad of Donna Lethal

Why I Hate Hot Dogs

Barbie's Milk Bubbles

Bossa Nova Bellhop

Uncle Rocco

The Rockabilly Kittens

Further On Up The Road

Delta Dawn

She Wore Man's Pants

An Afternoon With The Sisters Swerve

Mildred & Mabel: On the Make

Bubbles McCoy: Woman of Ill Repute 

The Beach Girl (2.0)

Frozen in the Kingdom (2.0)

Caught in The Middle (2.0)

His Leather Warning (2.0)

The Horny Elf

The Movie Mogul

Perfect Christmas

The Writer's Dilemma

Illuminati At The Airport

I Owe My Soul to The Company Store

Red Cloud At Sundown

Surprise At The County Fair

Laffing Sal

The Sad Bride

Something Brand New

Who Shot Sam?

Tickling Those Ivories

Divorce Your Loved One With Dignity


The First Wrist

Tears From The Second Line

Seven Meals From Anarchy

Carny Freaks: Pip and Flip

Pretty Girls Try The Hardest

Twenty Bucks

Her First Night

Goddess Or Guttersnipe?

Hellhound On His Trail

Albino Village

The Death of a Living Mug Shot

Peeping Tom's Paradise

The Killer in Me

Agent Orange

A Gossip Nation

The Writer And The Reader

A Box Full Of Watches

Continental Drift

A Puma In Search Of Her Cub

That Smug Smile

A Rubber Ducky's Lament

A Stripper's Creed

Gentleman's Call