Monday, January 10, 2011


I'm always excited and honored to get a new blog award from one of my fellow bloggers. Recently, Bukowski's Basement was bestowed with the Creative Genius Blogging Award (from Deanna Schrayer who writes fiction and creative nonfiction) and that simply floors me because it took me by utter surprise. I'm truly honored and thankful.

Bukowski's Basement is about a vibe based on my various inspirations. It's a place for creative flash fiction, poetry, perhaps some videos, music, and an opinion or two on how I may feel about certain trends in writing, films or pop culture. If you've poked around, you'll know by now that it's not a personal spot where I muse about how I feel on any given day. That takes real guts so, in respect to this award, I want pass it along to whom I feel really deserves such an honor:

Micael Chadwick's blog "The Journey" is a personal, balls-to-the-wall chronicle of Rabbit's (his nickname) journey through life - musings, crankiness and the kitchen sink. He makes no apologies and presents what he writes in the raw and that's what makes it great. Check him out. Rabbit may not be your cup of tea but if you respond to what he has to say, you'll be glad you dropped by. ALSO: His incredible creative scribblings can be found HERE.

Lynne Hayes' blog Bits of Paper and Glue is comprised of primarily poetry but have no illusions -- it comes from somewhere deep inside of her and she always drops it like it hot. You can just feel it. Take a peek and you'll find some mighty emotional poetry filled with pain, heartache and elation.

Subscribe to these two. You'll be glad you did.

As for rules? I'd like to see that they pass along this award to the select few who they feel truly deserve the honor.


  1. Whoa. Thank you SO much for this. And to be included with Lynne makes it all the more special. I, being a huge fan of your, am honoured and humbled to be recognized.

    Thanks again.

  2. Your blog, and you, are definitely creative.

  3. A worthy award ,my friend. The Basement is a cool place to hang out!

  4. Congrats to you and your chosen recipients! All deserved.

  5. Balls to the walls is bang on! Both of your recipients are spendidly honest and brave.
    Congrats to them and to you, Anthony!

  6. Thank you so much!!!!!
    It still amazes me people read my blog of the hundreds here. You have supported me since day one, and that means alot!!!

    So to you I say gracias, danke, merci, thank you!!!!

  7. Ant, I'm so sorry to be so late in getting here, (been in bed most of this week w/ a fibro flare).

    You are So Very Deserving of this award! And I'm so glad you decided to pass it along, and especially to bloggers I've not yet met. As soon as I can get myself moving I'll head on over and check them out.

    Thank you so much for sharing your creative genius with us Ant!

  8. Most likely to be expanded into Columbo-episode Flash Fiction Award


    Congrats. Though Henry Chinaski would probably want some cash, booze or at least cheap sn*tch to go along with it

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