Friday, January 21, 2011

FROZEN IN THE KINGDOM 2.0 (#fridayflash)

Please press play for some mood music

'Bukowski's Basement Vault Month' continues with this Disney-esque fantasy that no one read back when it was first posted. I think Uncle Walt would approve... As always, I certainly hope you enjoy.

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She snuck away. She always snuck away. So much so, that her parents stopped worrying.

The Magic Kingdom was obviously filled way with too much sword and sorcery for Little Sally not to wander off at closing time.

Hopped up on cotton candy and and knowing full well her parents would find her eventually, she took a quick left turn at Captain Jack Sparrow's wooden knife sculpture (a new logo for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride) which led to a secret winding cement path.

Yup, if only the 'Mouse House' geeks knew that finding the infamous Disney tunnels was that simple.

Funny enough, in the brightly-lit labyrinth of corridors, no one seemed to question the little girl with the Cinderella wand who seemed like just another cast member after hours.

Six left turns led to a drippy stairwell where she found him behind a plexiglass enclosure -- frozen and blue -- surrounded by duplicated liquid nitrogen canisters and refrigerated at minus 180 degrees.

Just barely able to read and staring at his blank smile, she was able to muster out the four letters on the brass nameplate into one full-sounding word: "WWwwwalt..."


  1. Ha! You know, I always knew there was something sinister about Disneyland.

    This one's nice and creepy. I don't doubt for a minute that it's completely true. :)

    Love it.

  2. Creepy blue head picture. Have you read Rachel Blackbirdsong's entry yet? Hers has nearly as eerie a photo accompanying it.

    As far as being stuck with Walt, there are worse ghosts and ghouls.

  3. Nice one, Anthony! I'll bet it's not far from the truth! There's probably one of them at Graceland and Neverland..... LOL!!!

    Have a great weekend, mate!

  4. Creepy is nice and this one is creepy.. See, I knew there was a reason I never went to Disneyland..
    Another great write my friend!!

  5. No one read it the first time? No one? That is sad, Anthony. A story went into the void and came back unloved.. I hate it when that happens. And such a fine, clever, scary little story it is, too. And yah, the blue head is creepy but the big picture is even creepier. And hey! Love the new font you got going there. Very kewl.

  6. So that's where he is! Nice pacing, just telling the story, loved it.

  7. Man, you have breathed new life into old Uncle Walt. Nice combination of creepiness within such carefree surroundings.

  8. To think of good ol' Walt, blue and lifeless. This flash put a realness to his frozeness.

  9. Rawr.
    Disney's cherry was popped long ago. Perhaps when they pushed the lemmings off the cliff? This is creepy and strange. Cotton candy and roller coasters and good ol' Walt's head. The pic reminded me of Labrinynth with the helping hands. Awesomeness.

  10. Disney on Ice takes on a whole new meaning...

  11. Rabbit sent me. What a cool story. Loved it.

  12. Ha! So that's where Uncle Walt went. Good one!

  13. rabbit sent me here.

    i notice also you comment on Lynne h's blog.

    great post..

    i will be back!

    bruce johnson jadip
    stupid stuff i see and hear
    Bruce’s guy book
    the guy book
    Dreamodel Guy

  14. Dropping by to say, "Hello!" My blog-friend Rabbit sent me here. I love reading so I will definitely check-out your past posts. Happy Sunday!

  15. I've always wondered if Disneyland would be like Westworld or something if the mechanisms took over and started after the guests. That forced happiness thing has always creeped me out. Happiest place on earth indeed.

  16. So the little girl found Walt's cryogenicly frozen head? It's a small world after all...

  17. Dynamite! And the background jingly merry-go-round music of "It's a Small World" becomes like a sinister cackle in the background! Loved this!

  18. Hah! Who knows what lurks in those tunnels? Nice one, Ant!

  19. Ant, I don't know how I missed this last week but am so glad I'm here now! This is brilliant, and amazingly realistic.

    I was in a parade at Disneyworld, (as a sophomore in high school, with the band - no, I didn't play an instrument, I twirled the flag), and we were directed to a great warehouse behind the scenes to prepare. Well! I couldn't believe all I was witnessing. So many characters coming and going, dressing up as Snow White, Cinderella, and some creatures I'd never imagined in my life! It was an amazing experience.

    And, get this - there ARE tunnels leading all through and around the ridiculous numbers of acres at the park. We had to travel through one of them to get to the beginning of the parade. Surreal!

    Thanks so much for bringing back the memories!

  20. A friend of mine wrote her dissertation on Disney and the massive operations underground. I will try and not get lost should I ever visit Disney World one day!


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