Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Get your "Gym, Tan and Literature' on because Jersey Shore" star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is writing a novel.

Yup. That shouldn't make too many of we scribes angry, huh? The pint-sized, pickle-loving reality star is getting paid to pen a romance novel. Gallery Books announced that Snooki has a novel called "Shore Thing" scheduled to come out in January. The publisher said the novel will tell of love on the boardwalk, complete with "big hair, dark tans, and fights galore."

Snooki said in a statement that she has been working on the book for some time. But, no, she's not writing alone. Gallery, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, said she has a collaborator.

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  1. Sounds like she's just one step away from scripting episodes for the show...or not.

  2. This just makes me want to put my Lucky Strike out in my own eyes. And the even more sickening part? The damned thing will sell...

  3. Kinda hard to top Rabbits comment...LOL

  4. You know how people always say that the movie doesn't do the book justice?

  5. Well, at least she has the old school drinking part down...

  6. The very idea of this hurts my brain.

  7. Urgh. I feel petty for caring but I do. Tough publishing industry, hey? Urgh.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It's news like this (along with those epic stories written by James Franco) that have me questioning my career choices....I mean, really? To steal a line from Hollywood Henderson, she "couldn't spell cat if you spotted her the first two letters."

    This is why the publishing industry as we know it is being flushed down the toilet. There are thousands of writers with talent, skill, and ability at their CRAFT who can't get an agent, let alone a publishing contract but this big haired bimbo (which I know is an insult to every bimbo out there) gets a book deal? In dollars and sense, the more money they throw at marginal names like Snooki the less money there is to take a chance on unknowns with talent.....

    Okay, off to Facebook now to continue my rant against Bon Jovi and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nomination.

  10. I try to stay positive. I have a publisher. It may be small, but still. This . . . she . . . I . . . know Simon and Schuster have taste because they bought the manuscript a friend of mine wrote.

    To quote the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

  11. I J Woww had so much more going for her and,
    isn't he dreamy...and who would not want to know the inner workings of Sammi's little nugget, depsite the fact Ronnie smooshed her...I was a writer once, now I want to be famous...I can't wait for Summer and the pawty to stawt
    on da beach in Gran Chenier...I'm gonna geaux goodette hunting and get me some


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