Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Wow ... Growing up I used to LOVE Popeye. LOVE him...

Even though Bukowski had a bitter hatred towards Mickey Mouse, I think it's safe to say that he probably would've dug the one-eyed sailor. He had an undeniable heroic nature. What's more, Popeye was a military man, a loner who talked to himself and was quite the scrapper (like Buk). Check out some Popeye flash I wrote HERE.)

So why do I dig Popeye? Dunno why exactly. Deep down, he seemed like a sweetheart of a guy. I remember many a morn getting up around 6 a.m. to catch him. In fact, I'll go as far as to say I ate green construction paper from time-to-time, pretending it was spinach. (But try to forget I just told you that.)

Anyway, check out this WWII-era B&W short of Popeye doing his thing for Uncle Sam. Whew. How we've come a long way in so many respects...

Caveat: The video is not to most PC stuff to watch - so apologies if it offends anyone.

Check it out after the jump as well as a few other very UN-PC vintage cartoons.

As a bonus ... This is just as bizarre. Not sure what's more disturbing -- The fact that Fred and Barney are smoking or that they're watching their wives do all the yardwork...

They just don't make 'em like this anymore, huh?

Sponge-Bob, Barney and all you other whimpy kiddie shows out there, take a load of this...

If he wasn't the hardest working sailor in the World War II-era, our favorite one-eyed, corn-pipe smokin' cartoon hero could have an awesome career scatting (which isn't easy by the way).


  1. I love Popeye, too! He is a sweetheart of a guy underneath that scrapper exterior. My dad was a Navy man...and he adored Popeye as well. It was one of those cartoons we watched together a lot...I think he was the bigger fan.

    He took care of Olive Oil and she wasn't the glamorous female so many cartoons tried to depict.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane...ahh, fond memories indeed.

  2. I love Popeye, too! He is a sweetheart of a guy underneath that scrapper exterior. My dad was a Navy man...and he adored Popeye as well. It was one of those cartoons we watched together a lot...I think he was the bigger fan.

    He took care of Olive Oil and she wasn't the glamorous female so many cartoons tried to depict.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane...ahh, fond memories indeed.

  3. I love Popeye, too! He is a sweetheart of a guy underneath that scrapper exterior. My dad was a Navy man...and he adored Popeye as well. It was one of those cartoons we watched together a lot...I think he was the bigger fan.

    He took care of Olive Oil and she wasn't the glamorous female so many cartoons tried to depict.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane...ahh, fond memories indeed.

  4. Oh, yeah! It's amazing how attitudes have changed on what's PC. I remember the violence in the cartoons I grew up with.

  5. Green construction paper, hunh? Won't forget that one at all ... I can still here the song and Olive's voice and smile fondly at this posting for YOU, Ant are the fella who concurred the night I wondered out loud about Bluto and Brutus being the same bad guy but two separate bad blustery buffoons. And ya know ... I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

    This piece didn't wimp out at all, but pulled the psyche to that place in front of the old Sylvania on the living room rug where a little girl in Ohio sat crosslegged on the floor during every Popeye epic'sode too, Mr V. ~ Absolutely*Kate


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