Monday, October 5, 2009


So I decided to make a slideshow touting all the fun here at Bukowski's Basement... Can you tell I had more than a few hours on my hands? It ran longer than I expected or wanted it to, but hey, the groove is pretty good. Please enjoy and follow the blog if you like the video.


  1. Video not too long at all. Feels just right. Expresses the groove. Makes one want to spend time here, looking around.
    I'll be back.

  2. The best damn advert for a blog I ever saw. Now I know what you're all about, and I like it.

    You're on my blogroll now.

    Take a squitz at mine:

  3. Kickass slideshow. I knew I would dig your style from the moment I read "Honeymoon at the Atomic" on 6S. This is a true depiction of the smoky smooth Venutolo style.

  4. This video makes me want to start smoking again, switch to bourbon, and and try my hand at the dice - in my pumps.
    It is fantastic. Mind if I link it?

  5. You had me at gin-fuel scribes, Ant ... and then I jived along with great vibes into dames and dives and the best dissolves I've seen in pictorial Promos-R-Us. After smilin' at Frank, I kept whispering, "I hope you close with a shot of yourself, the SkidRow to Savoy wonder-boy."

    You didn't let me down. You never let your readers down either. Ever. Great multi-media red carpet to keep 'em all swingin' through your revolving door and comin' back for more. ~ Absolutely*Kate

  6. Anthony, An excellent slide show, the tunes drove the message. If I am not already on your fan list, I will be now. I'll check in regularly and maybe you'll let me post some things?

  7. You had me snappin' my fingers and tappin' my foot.

  8. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

    Good job, Ant!

  9. Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?


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